Salford City Council

Update your entry

Update your entry

If the information for your business in the Salford business directory is incorrect, you may notify us of the change of details. Please enter any information that has changed below.

Please be aware that this updated information will be confirmed by contacting you using the information you provide in the 'required contact details' section before the directory is updated.

Usage of the business directory indicates that you have read and accept the terms and conditions for this service.

Required contact details

This information is for Salford City Council records and verification purposes only and will not appear in the business directory.

Optional contact details

This information is for Salford City Council records and verification purposes only and will not appear in the business directory.

Required business details

Trade or professional association membership requirements should be included here

Current business category
Waste Disposal Services, Environmental Consultants

Update business category (only select if your business category has changed)

Optional business details