Salford City Council

Business details - Paula Integrated Care

Business details - Paula Integrated Care

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Paula Integrated Care

Nurses Agencies and Care Agencies

St James House
Pendleton Way
M6 5FW

Description: Our domiciliary care services are not just here to support you at home, but to support you to continue living your life, the way you want to. We?re able to take you to doctors appointments, to the shops, to meet up with your friends and family, to support you to live an independent life. Our home care services allow you, and your family, the peace of mind needed to keep you in your home. Paula Integrated Care provides personal care services allowing our clients to maintain their lifestyle in the familiar comfort of their homes. Our professional and trustworthy carers ensure you or your loved ones are safeguarded and provided with the highest standard of personal and complex care needs. Care and Support Services are provided from thirty minutes to 24-hours a day.



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