Salford City Council

Business details - Agility Acoustics Ltd

Business details - Agility Acoustics Ltd

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Agility Acoustics Ltd

Environmental Consultants

Telephone: 0330 122 1405

167 Worsley Road
M28 2SJ

Description: Agility Acoustics Ltd are consultants in Noise and Acoustics for the Environment, Buildings and the Workplace. We are a small, independent team of dedicated and accomplished acoustic experts with taste for interesting and challenging projects. We are based in Manchester, but service the entire UK, and were borne from a desire to better serve the demanding needs of our clients, their projects and their timescales. Our consultants have over 10 years? experience in almost all aspects of acoustics, noise and vibration consultancy, from small single dwelling projects to multi-million pound mixed use developments, and so we're well placed to assist almost every client. We take an honest and robust approach to our work, and in the event that we're unable to assist, we will always try and put you in touch with another reputable consultancy that can.



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