Salford City Council

Business details - Dear Albert

Business details - Dear Albert

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Dear Albert

Counselling and Advice

Telephone: 0800 880 3153

Technology House
2 Lissadel Street
Salford M6 6AP

Description: : Dear Albert works within local communities to reduce the harms of drug and alcohol misuse, often working with some of the most vulnerable in our society. Experienced in community, criminal justice and supported housing environments, we help all effected by substance abuse, especially those who have been disadvantaged through social isolation, economic deprivation, learning disabilities and offending histories. We deliver a unique combination of in-house professional and peer-led support combined with up to date signposting and referral services. Our own services include a range of interventions: group work, 1-2-1 counselling, recovery coaching, phone support and referral. This includes warn handovers into positive social networks and facilitation into the available local mutual aid. This can include 12 step fellowships, SMART, Peer-led ACT and other positive social networks. Our mutual aid facilitation services You do the MAFs and Make a fresh start supports individual recovery with clear pathways and information for social prescribing. We also signpost into professional treatment services and provide emergency referral when required. Funding comes from a combination of local authority grant support, subcontracts with substance misuse commissioned Providers, including CRC (Probation) and CCG (social seeding).



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