Salford City Council

Business details - Swifty Scooters Ltd

Business details - Swifty Scooters Ltd

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Swifty Scooters Ltd

Manufacturers Agents, Cycle Manufacturers, Cycle Accessory Manufacturers, Cycle Shops and Repairs

Telephone: 0161 973 3978

Unit 3
Fairbrother Street
Salford M5 3EN

Description: Swifty Scooters aim is simply to produce the best adult kick scooters in the world. Through the power of design and engineering Swifty Scooters demonstrates a 21st century relevance to urban mobility, answering the need to save time and have fun. Swifty Scooters takes pride in its local sourcing policy, and is designed and manufactured in Manchester, UK. By using local manufacturing, we keep our carbon footprint to a minimum and support the local economy. We also feel passionately about upholding Britain's heritage for quality manufacturing and innovation. The SwiftyONE is designed for life. The innovative design of the SwiftyONE embodies a blend of timeless British elegance with contemporary relevance. The premium British quality, the pleasing slim line aesthetic and unique folding mechanism creates both a desirable and practical product.



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